Field Work

Your Scoop account comes loaded with work templates based on solar industry best practices.

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Work templates based on industry best practices

App Library Radio Filter
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Commercial Solar Data Acquisition System Inspection

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Commercial Solar Inverter Maintenance App

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Commercial Solar Preventative Maintenance App

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Commercial Solar Site Survey App

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Commercial Solar Tracker Inspection App

Icon HVAC Installation

HVAC Installation App

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Injury, Illness, and Incident Report App

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Residential Solar Installation QA App – Comprehensive

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Residential Solar Job Closeout App

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Residential Solar QA App – Balance of System

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Residential Solar QA App – Rack & Panel

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Residential Solar Sales Visit Report

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Residential Solar Site Survey App

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Wind Turbine Maintenance App

About Scoop

Scoop® is the world’s #1 field project management and workflow automation software built specifically for today’s solar, renewable, and sustainable infrastructure companies.

The user-friendly platform allows leaders to create robust project templates for workflow automation and repeatable performance. 

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Empower Field Teams with the Scoop App

Scoop’s solar app empowers your field team with a powerful project management solution that they can use on-the-go. The Scoop platform collects, organizes, and streamlines data, documents, and workflows and the solar app provides your team with access to this information while in the field, at the office, and anywhere in between.

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Contact Us

If you’re considering Scoop or just want more information, we’re happy to help. Please fill out the form below or give us a call +1 (888) 420-1809 and we’ll have a member of our team follow up with you right away.
Pricing That Scales With You

Software to Maximize Efficiency

Field Work App FAQs

The Scoop mobile app mobilizes and engages your field teams by providing them access to critical information, automated workflows, and improved communication while on-site. Available for iOS and Android devices, the Scoop platform is built for field teams.

A field work app is mobile software built to help field teams, including technicians, site surveyors, sales members, and project managers, access and update important information while outside of the office. Scoop is an example of one of these apps that is focused on project management, workflow automations, and cross-functional communication.